Freeman Patterson
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Dry veld (fields, countryside) in February near Soebotsfontein

The same veld in August filled with pink Mesembryanthemum flowers (Aizoaceae)


Various daisies (Asteraceae) and wild flaxes (Brassicaceae) on the Kamiesberg plateau


Ursinia (Asteraceae), Nababiep


This is a dry river bed most of the year, Wallekraal


Three varieties of daisies (Asteraceae); the yellow Cotula has no petals, the deep blue is Felicia


Arum or Calla lilies (Araceae) find homes in damp clefts in the rocky hills of Namaqualand


Red granite, chemical staining from periodic water flow, group of tiny white Cotula


Yellow Ursinia (annual) and wine-red Lapeirousia (Iridaceae, perennial) thrive in a long rock fissure


Cotula and Lapeirousia line the geometric cracks in a rock face, where wind deposits sufficient soil


One of more than 150 species of “vygies” or Mesembryanthemum (Aizoaceae) that grow in Namaqualand


Yellow Grielum (Neurodaceae) and blue Felicia (Asteraceae) carpet the veld south of Nababiep


Perennial Pauridia (Hypoxidaceae) blooms every year on this lichen-covered rock face


Hyobanche (Orobanche), a parasitic plant growing on roots of shrubs


Tiny lilies (Hyacinthaceae) in a dry pool of Crassula natans (Crassulaceae)


Gladiolus equitans (Iridaceae) in typical habitat on the Kamiesberg plateau


Seasonal pool near Leliefontein; mostly Pauridia aquatica (Hypoxidaceae) in flower


Babiana (Iridaceae) clings to a rock face in Groenpas


Tiny Morea (Iridaceae) carpet the veld neat Teunis se Dam


Expanses of various daisies (Asteraceae) at Goegap Nature Reserve near Springbok


One of several Lachenalia species (Iridaceae), a bulbous perennial


Pelargonium echinatum (Geranaceae) in typical habitat near Bokleikraal


Pink Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) in typical habitat, Kamiesberg plateau


Fields of mixed wild flowers, Kamiesberg plateau


Yellow Grielum (Neurodaceae) and a beige Arctotis (Asteraceae) near Beenbreek


Field of mixed daisies (Asteraceae species), Kamiesberg plateau



Images and Photographs © 2019 Freeman Patterson - All Rights Reserved.